Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My dad the preacher

I heard my dad preach this past Sunday, May 27th, for the first time since July 2006. For nearly my whole life and for about as long as I can remember my dad has been a Baptist preacher....delivering the Word of God each Sunday morning, visiting the sick, needy and lost throughout the week, counseling those in need....But most importantly to me he was just my dad. It was so good to hear him from the pulpit again.

Grandchildren are the crown of old men, And the glory of sons is their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6

Sunday's message was preached from Psalm 127 and John 10:10. It was a message on the multi-generational faithfulness of God to his children....and how He provides for us to have life more abundantly through Him as we live and function in families built on God's word. God designed and ordained families to carry out His work and through families the Church is built. Christ the "builder" uses us, the "building materials" to labor in the Lord as we build our "house" on a biblical foundation. All other efforts are in vain! Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 7 that any man who hears his words and acts on them is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock. And when the storms come the house will not fall. But, any man who hears his words and does not act on them is like a fool who builds his house on the sand. When the storms come his house will fall. And the fall will be great! Does that sound familiar?

How many families in our world are built on the Word of God? How may families are in total despair and chaos from disobedience to God? The family today is experiencing a total attack. I'm afraid that most are like the house built on the sand and their fall will be great. We see this all around us everyday. It is the need of the day. It is imperative that we labor in the Lord to build our families and to build our churches strong in the Lord on a foundation of the word of Jesus Christ.

Mission Home Baptist Church
Fleetwood, NC

Monday, May 21, 2007

Sticks and Stones...

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones"
Proverbs 16:24

We've been studying Proverbs in our daily devotions and recently covered this verse. We had to stop and memorize it as a family. What great wisdom from the Lord.

A Positive Reason in the News to Homeschool

I think this story about two teens in Idaho was at least partially meant to make homeschoolers look like gun toting, back woods, socially recluse, paranoids....but it actually does the opposite. The quotes from the young man are indicative of a very well grounded and highly educated person able to stand firm on his own. In other words....this eighteen-year old seems to be able to form ideas, relay the information in an intelligent way and defend his position based on personal belief, historical precedent, and constitutional, common, and statutory law. This is exactly what homeschool parents are seeking to develop in children....the ability to be functional members of our society and not dependent dys-functional ones.

It's a shame that the shooting instructor in this story simply fails to get it. It's obvious he's missed the point. He questions the need for these teens to carry firearms in town even though legal to do so...maybe he should check the news that just broke in his state where a lone gunman killed a police officer, wounded a deputy, killed an innocent civilian and wounded another before killing himself. That's right sir...looks like nobody in Idaho needs to exercise their right to carry arms just because they can. I applaud these young men for exercising their rights and having the courage and conviction to do so in the face of obvious local pressure and misunderstanding.