For the past two weeks, I have read the book 1776 by David McMullough for school and decided to give a review. First, I want to say I truly enjoyed the book and believe that it would be appropriate for any age. McCullough does an extremely good job explaining the battles in the year 1776. he does not, however, give any real insights into the politics side of the story. He also did bring the Divine Providence into it very nicely. He did not neglect to show that the odds were against the Americans and that some supernatural help was with the Americans. Overall, I truly enjoyed the book and it is a great resource to read while studying this time period.
Also, this past Monday we went to the Science Museum in down town Raleigh and saw a movie on the octopus. I can not begin to describe the wonders of this amazing creature! It truly is amazing! Some octopuses can actually act like other bigger animals to stay alive. They can mimic sea snakes, the most poisonous creatures in the ocean as well as plants. They can change color and their texture. I think that this creature is wonderful proof of a Creator. How could such a smart, well equipped animal come from random chance?
Our family has been so happy about this weather. What a blessing! I hope you all have enjoyed it too!