Isn't he cute? And now, my edit:
This photo didn't really need any adjustments, so I decided to just play with it in PSE. I first applied AmaPad's Florida action with the sweet light, cool light, and creamy glow all on. I honestly don't remember what the opacity's were. Then, I ran the Pioneer Woman's Bring Out the Eyes action and Little Bee action. I am so sorry, but can't remember who I got that last action from, I think that it was the first one that I ever downloaded. I turned the Honey Haze layer's opacity down to 24%. Then I ran the smart blur filter and converted everything to black and white. Lastly, I erased the black and white on the overalls. It was really simple and I had lots of fun! I plan to post again soon, so stay tuned!
Love how you added color back in good job.
Thanks for sharing your steps! I'm totally running to grab that PW action "bring out the eyes"--they look great here!
I like how the action changed his clothing! Nice!
Donna (Texas) #18
I'm not typically a fan of selective coloring but I do like the black and white.
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