A couple of weeks ago, Mom, Olivia, and I went on a search with our NanNan. We were searching for the graves of some of our deceased relatives and to see some old houses, landmarks, etc. The first place that we went to was Bayboro, NC. We didn't stay there very long, but I was able to get a few pictures!
We then attempted to find NanNan's mother's step-sister's house, the search for Edna. It turned out to be quite interesting, we think that we found her house, but she wasn't home. Anyway, after that we got turned around and ended up in the wrong town and had to ask for directions from the postal lady.
Once we got back in the right direction, we moved on to Oriental, NC where several family members were born and/or lived. NanNan remembered going here as a little girl with her family. While there, we had a delightful lunch at a little café and walked around the town a little.
This is an old theater that my NanNan remembers walking to when she was little.
We also visited a cemetery outside of town where we saw my great great grandparents graves.
We then moved on to the town of Hobucken where there is hardly anything. We visited a cemetery there, and after finding the right graves, we began noticing the amount of mosquitoes. We all ran back to the car so that we could apply the bug spray that we had brought with us. When we pulled the lid off the bug spray, there was no sprayer. Yikes! In the end, we had to rub the actual liquid on us. It was a mess and thankfully we were all wearing jeans (except my mom, oh well).
From there we move to Lowland. Let me tell you, Lowland is the lowest of the lands. There is NOTHING there, except some houses, most of which are on cinderblock stilts because they were destroyed during hurricane Irene. We looked for a fire station, because that is where we were supposed to find our last cemetery. The fire station turned out to be a warehouse looking building with a path going to the back of it. When we got back there, we waited a second in the car, and then the mosquitoes came!
I can not begin to describe the number of mosquitoes that swarmed our car. Hundreds of mosquitoes began hitting our windows, it was scary! Mosquitoes love mom and Olivia wasn't wearing long sleeves, so they sent NanNan and I out to find the grave of Henry Homer (my great great great great grandfather) and take a picture. So, dressed in my black hoodie (with the hood up and strings tied) and liquid bug spray, I jumped out of the car with NanNan and began the search. Luckily, it was a small cemetery. In the end, I ran around like a mad person, flaying my arms and never standing still. NanNan acted normal and didn't get one bite! We never found the grave, so when we got back in the car, we took a picture of the cemetery.

We then moved on to the town of Aurora where we stopped at a fossil museum so that we could use the restroom and find a ferry schedule. We planned to look around but ended up staying about 10 minutes because we had to leave to catch the ferry. I did manage to take a picture of NanNan and mom in the giant shark before we left.
We had a great time riding the ferry.
We arrived in the town of Bath where we looked around. We visited the oldest church in NC, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, as well as look at all of the historical signs.
We then left and went back to our grandparents house. We had a great time and really enjoyed being together.