Friday, June 8, 2007

Pursuit of Happiness

Former Senator John Edwards was interviewed recently by You Tube and in a lightning round asked if certain things were "rights" or "privileges". See the interview by clicking here. There were six questions.... Edwards answered that five of them were rights and only one was a privilege. Here are the six category/questions:

1) College education
2) Health Care
3) Livable wage
4) Owning a handgun
5) American citizenship for someone that was not born here but that has worked here for five years.
6) Access to the internet.

Notice that the interpretation of four of these questions can be very broad and subjective except for two of them, owning a handgun and the citizenship question. To which question was the answer a "privilege"? You guessed it....owning a handgun....the only Constitutionally guaranteed right out of the group and this former Senator and Presidential hopeful believes that this 2nd Amendment protected right is a privilege! I think Mr. Edwards should go back to Civics class. All of the other categories would certainly fall within that unalienable Right of the pursuit of Happiness, but it's their pursuit which is guaranteed and not their apprehension.

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