When we started thinking of where to go and what to do this summer for vacation, we considered several locations, but settled on attending the Vision Forum Celebration of the Jamestown Quadricentennial. There's always the mountains and the beach simply by virtue of the homes of our respective parents. But, we always try and take one other vacation to some place we've never been and preferably with some real history and that will have a lasting impact on our family. Wow...did we hit the jackpot! We've been to Jamestown before, but never like this.
The Jamestown Quadricentennial was a celebration not a commemoration. It was a celebration of the providential hand of God in the formation of the United States of America that started at Jamestown. These truths have been erased from the post-modern secular public schools and quite honestly, I had no idea of the real significance of this place and of the people who labored there. The settlers at Jamestown have been referred to as money hungry baffoons and are often regarded as invaders versus settlers. An analysis of the primary sources reveals a much different picture. The Virginia Company of London who obtained the charter from King James I sought and obtained their charter for several reasons, certainly personal wealth and business was a strong motivation. But , named first before all others the charter recognizes the desire of the Virginia Company, by the providence of Almighty God and for the glory of his Divine Majesty, to propagate the spreading of the Christian religion.
"Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of Almightie God, hereafter tende to the glorie of His Divine Majestie in propagating of Christian religion to suche people as yet live in darkenesse and miserable ignorance of the true knoweledge and worshippe of God and may in tyme bring the infidels and salvages living in those parts to humane civilitie and to a setled and quiet govermente, doe by theise our lettres patents graciously accepte of and agree to theire humble and well intended desires;"
The First Virginia Charter April 10, 1606
In addition the men on that voyage received instructions on what to do when they got there. Written at the end of those instructions are the words, " Lastly and chiefly the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind for the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God the Giver of all Goodness, for every plantation which our Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out." That very phrase is inscribed on a monument placed at the Historic Jamestown site on the 300th anniversary in 1907. You'll find no such references at the site this year.

The resulting providence of God in Jamestown led to many "firsts" on what would later be American soil rarely noted by governmental authorities and modern day historians. Most obvious Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in America, the first church and the Bible, the first Christian conversion (Pocahontas), the first marriage which by the way was an "inter-racial marriage" (Pocahontas and John Rolfe), scripturally based common law, and representative self-government. The principles laid in Jamestown couple with those in Plymouth thirteen years later, would shape the beginnings of our nation.
It was Jamestown where there was first liberty and freedom proclaimed under God. That is where America began and it began on the foundation of God.....not on someone's claim to greatness, personal wealth, or greed....but under the desire to do all things to the glory of God and to carry on the great commission...to spread the Christian message.....a living example of Acts 2:38. Because of the obedience of those early colonists and many to follow, God has blessed our great nation.
The Jamestown Quadricentennial was a celebration not a commemoration. It was a celebration of the providential hand of God in the formation of the United States of America that started at Jamestown. These truths have been erased from the post-modern secular public schools and quite honestly, I had no idea of the real significance of this place and of the people who labored there. The settlers at Jamestown have been referred to as money hungry baffoons and are often regarded as invaders versus settlers. An analysis of the primary sources reveals a much different picture. The Virginia Company of London who obtained the charter from King James I sought and obtained their charter for several reasons, certainly personal wealth and business was a strong motivation. But , named first before all others the charter recognizes the desire of the Virginia Company, by the providence of Almighty God and for the glory of his Divine Majesty, to propagate the spreading of the Christian religion.
"Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of Almightie God, hereafter tende to the glorie of His Divine Majestie in propagating of Christian religion to suche people as yet live in darkenesse and miserable ignorance of the true knoweledge and worshippe of God and may in tyme bring the infidels and salvages living in those parts to humane civilitie and to a setled and quiet govermente, doe by theise our lettres patents graciously accepte of and agree to theire humble and well intended desires;"
The First Virginia Charter April 10, 1606
In addition the men on that voyage received instructions on what to do when they got there. Written at the end of those instructions are the words, " Lastly and chiefly the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind for the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God the Giver of all Goodness, for every plantation which our Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out." That very phrase is inscribed on a monument placed at the Historic Jamestown site on the 300th anniversary in 1907. You'll find no such references at the site this year.

The resulting providence of God in Jamestown led to many "firsts" on what would later be American soil rarely noted by governmental authorities and modern day historians. Most obvious Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in America, the first church and the Bible, the first Christian conversion (Pocahontas), the first marriage which by the way was an "inter-racial marriage" (Pocahontas and John Rolfe), scripturally based common law, and representative self-government. The principles laid in Jamestown couple with those in Plymouth thirteen years later, would shape the beginnings of our nation.
It was Jamestown where there was first liberty and freedom proclaimed under God. That is where America began and it began on the foundation of God.....not on someone's claim to greatness, personal wealth, or greed....but under the desire to do all things to the glory of God and to carry on the great commission...to spread the Christian message.....a living example of Acts 2:38. Because of the obedience of those early colonists and many to follow, God has blessed our great nation.

That's why I went to Jamestown....to teach my children that they have an undeniable and unchangeable Christian heritage. That their nation was founded on and by the providential hand of God. So that when they hear "one nation under God" they know that it is true, that it is not made up, that it is their history, and that they learn from those generations before them. So, that they know that because of the foundation on God laid in Jamestown, the founding Fathers of the United States placed "a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence" (Declaration of Independence 1776). Are you getting it? The framers put the whole thing in the hands of God, which goes right back to Jamestown, which as an extension of the charter of those first colonists.... goes right back to the cross.
So, if you want to know why I went.....I went for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, so that if the Lord wills it and he tarries we will all attend the 450th celebration of Jamestown in 2057! So, that they will know and not forget. So, that they will hear lies, know them for what they are and speak Truth in return. And mostly so they will rejoice in God and give Him the glory for what he has done.

1 comment:
I enjoyed this post, Tommy, and linked to it on my blog.
What a wonderful time it was in Jamestown. God bless you and your family!
In Christ,
Caleb Hayden
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