Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Grateful Tree

Last year my mom and I made a Grateful Tree with friends. This is how you make it.

Things you will need:
Rocks or Pebbles
Vase (your choice on size)
Fun fall paper
Black thread
Hole puncher

Go outside and find branches you think best represent a tree. then put them in the vase using the pebbles in the bottom to hold them in place. Then get your fun paper and cut out leaves(any shape). Do not forget to make stems. Then use the hole puncher and punch holes beneath the stems. Then cut the black thread and tie the sting so you can hang it on the branches. Then on Thanksgiving around the dining room table before you eat, each person can write on their leaf what they are thankful for. Above is a picture of our tree from last year.
~Olivia Vestal

A Typical Fall Day

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

19th Anniversary

On Oct. 3 my parents had been married 19 happy years!!
~ Olivia Vestal

Williamsburg and Jamestown Trip

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Garden

During the past few weeks we have been pulling up summer garden plants, tilling, and replanting. Even though we started a little late this year we still hope for an abundant crop. This fall we planted radishes, cabbage, lettuce, and spinach. To God be the glory!
~Olivia Vestal

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Favorite Fall Items

The first day of fall has come and gone. My sister and I have started pulling out our favorite fall items. Here are two of our favorites. The picture on the right is Lenyer's new fall purse (from Goodwill). Above is a picture of my cowgirl boots.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shoot and Edit Week 12- Part Two

Hi everyone! Today I edited the picture that I posted a few days ago. I used the tutorial that Ashley Sisk posted to edit this picture. Basically, all that I did was clean up my image and use her tutorial to make the background more green. I also played around with a few other things to add more contrast. Tell me if you like it and/or if you have any suggestions about how to edit it better. Thanks and have a wonderful Saturday!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shoot and Edit Week 12

Hi everyone! I have decided to try this weeks Shoot and Edit that Jill is doing. I am posting an SOOC shot (an unedited shot) using the prompt green. Later this week I will post the same picture edited using Ashley's tutorial.  I took this picture of a cherry blossom today.You can see that the blossom is starting to prematurely wither thanks to the frost we have had. I can't wait for summer! Have a great Tuesday!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Christs Church

This is a picture of Christ Church in Philadelphia, PA. I really like how this photo turned out. I took it this past September on the Life Of George Washington Tour.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentines Day Contest

The Paper Mama is hosting a Valentines Day photo contest. Here is my entry. Click here to see the Paper Mamas post.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Hi everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't written in a long time. I was dealing with a few problems on the computer. It is now going to be my goal to write once (if not more than once) a week. However, I do suggest you sign up to receive e-mails when I post or change something on the blog. Thanks for your patience!
