Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Civil War Dress

Hello y'all! I have been so busy lately. Sorry that I haven't been posting. I do have some posts planned. Olivia and I wanted to try the Paper Mama's No Heat Curls. It
 turned out very nicely, and then I decided that I wanted to take Olivia's picture while she was in this old civil war era dress that a lady in our church gave us. This dress is GORGEOUS! Unfortunately, it is way to tight on me, I can't even zip it up. It was hard enough for Olivia (Obviously, it was made for a very petite person). So, I got her all dressed and out we went.

At first, she wasn't sure if she would like modeling for me, but it didn't take long for her to get into it. 

My favorites are the ones with her twirling. 

Have a great day! 


Friday, February 24, 2012

Please Vote For Me...... Please!

Hi everyone! Remember the card of Juni that I entered in the Love Letters To Kitty Paw challenge? Well, you can now vote on the cards! If it isn't to much to ask, could you for vote for me? I am #13! All you have to do is click here. Thank you! 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

To Kitty Paw.... From Juni

I am so excited about this years Love Letters to Kitty Paw that Ashley is hosting. Kitty Paw is her adorable cat who rules her moms blog. I love seeing pictures of her. So..... here is Juni's love letter to Kitty Paw. He told me earlier that he really wants to meet her! 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hello ya'll! I hope that your week is going well. I wanted to share with you a movie called MONUMENTAL starring Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains ;). This movie is about a man seeking to find the spiritual heritage of our country through our different monuments. Monuments are sooooooo important. 1 Samuel 7:12 says, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” Samuel put up a monument! Monuments are placed so that future generations will not forget significant events that happened in the past. Today, very little emphasis is put on monuments. But hopefully, this movie will change your mind. Here are two videos for you to watch. 


P.S. Happy Valentines Day (Belated)! 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Emma Jean

This one word says so much about her: crazy! She is a pop-corn eating, back sleeping, crazy bearded dog! She has a mind (and personality) all her own. When she wants you to play with her, she will wrap her paws around one of your legs and hold on until you show her attention! That being said, she is really gentle, some how she knows that she can't hurt little kids, no matter what they are doing to her. They could be swinging her around by the collar (This has happened) and she will do nothing! Last week I decided to work with my zoom lens. I was able to capture some pretty good shots of EJ. 

She LOVES her ball! Have a good Sabbath!
