Saturday, September 22, 2012

Civil War Tour, Monday

      During Labor Day week our family went on the Civil War Tour part 2 hosted by the Horn Family. Here are some pictures from our first day!Our first stop was Chancellorsville, Virginia.

   The group talking.

Catherine's Orr

Shea posing for the camera.

Dad under the tree.

One of the battlefields at Chancellorsville.

One of the many things used as a seat for our exhausted group.

Joshua Horn giving a talk.

Riding in the tour bus.

Working on the treasure hunt!

After the battlefields of Chancellorsville we stopped at the place were Stonewall Jackson died. It is called Jackson's Shrine.

The blanket at the end of the bed was the real ones Jackson used.

Dad and Patience.

Jonathan the intern taking notes at Jackson's Shrine.
We then left Jackson's Shrine and had an opening dinner at Ryan's Steak House.

Hello All!!!

     I am sorry that we have not posted in a long time. Our summer has been filled with vacations, Civil War tours, and conferences. We will try to keep you up to date by posting some pictures from some of the vacations, etc. We will keep you posted on the events that have come of late. Thank You!
       Olivia Vestal